
Kim Maida


Kim is an Angular consultant and Google Developer Expert, working as the Manager of Community & Technical Content for Auth0. She is passionate about identity, authentication, and the Angular community. She loves learning from and sharing with other developers. She organizes the Angular Ann Arbor meetup, enjoys running Angular authentication workshops, and participating in the developer community by speaking and mentoring

My Sessions

Apps of all sizes need to manage state, but not all apps need a state machine like NgRx. What if we can’t afford the code cost? What if we don’t want to decouple our business layer? The quick answer might be “inputs! outputs! subjects!” But there’s more to Angular state management than just getters and […]


Are you interested in presenting at a conference like ngConf? Join us for this open discussion as we share insights into everything from which types of conferences we submit to speak, crafting a session to submit, how to engage with the audience, preparing the session, and how to work on stage presence. Bring your questions […]
